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Vacancy summary
19/05/2024, 23:55
Vacancy detail
To be the POC for all nominated Ranks/Ratings assigned or landed to the Portsmouth Personnel Support Group (PSG). To maintain morale, discipline and welfare, ensuring personnel assigned to the PSG are gainfully employed during their recovery period and return to effective service
They are to provide support and guidance to all personnel assigned to the PSG for medical, disciplinary and welfare reasons.
The PSG is managed by NBC(P) and comprises of three sub-departments. A Warrant Officer (1) heads up each; the Recovery Cell (RC), Divisional Support Group (DSG) and Parent Support & Information (PS&I) sub-departments. Medical Staff and a Manpower Cell complete the setup.
Primary Purpose:
• Working under the Line Management of the PSG TEC/MNGR to ensure PSG personnel are gainfully employed, maintaining SQEP where possible, using consideration to individual circumstances.
• Ensuring joining/leaving and ILA routines are correctly catalogued using the workforce spreadsheet.
• Regularly check on employment deadlines and update where necessary.
• Required to assist the TEC manager with trawling and allocating suitable personnel to fulfil job requests for priority tasking.
• To maintain contact with PSG personnel and review the suitability of employment, monitor any changes to individual circumstances.
• To liaise with Line Managers of temporarily employed personnel when required.
• Daily mustering of PSG Operational Support Team, ensuring all personnel are present and correct. Conducting briefs on job requests for the upcoming week.
• PSG Able Rate roster writer for establishment duties.
• Promote adherence and execution of RN Ethos whilst maintaining good order, discipline and the wellbeing of Service personnel in accordance with QRRNs and BR3.
• Maintain contact as required, directly or indirectly, with the widely dispersed PSG personnel. Ensuring a comprehensive compilation of employment records.
• Deliver information to Service personnel as both Professional and Discipline situations require.
• Be conversant with the primary purpose and secondary responsibilities of PSG LH2 ensuring business continuity is maintained in the event of their absence.
• To assist the PSG DEPCO with the routine housekeeping of the PSG Sharepoint team site, updating links, ensuring the defence convention of file naming is adhered to.
• Assist in the provision of on-job training for newly joined PSG Employees, so that they may effectively fulfil their responsibilities and duties.
• Act as the PSG TECMNGR in the absence of CPO/PO PSG TECMNGR.
Must be an OR4 of ANY specialisation. OR2 applicants with a recommend for the next higher rank in their most recent SJAR may be considered.
OR6 applicants, if successful, will only be paid as and normally wear the rank of OR4.
Must be serving as a member of the Reserve Forces or have served with the Regular Forces.
Essential: Substantive LH.
Applicants will undergo an initial eligibility sift. Successful applicants will have their details forwarded to the Post Sponsor to arrange interviews. Unsuccessful applicants will be advised accordingly.
Following interviews; the successful applicant will be informed that they are the Preferred Candidate with details being sent to the CM RES FTRS Cell who will continue the recruitment process. Unsuccessful applicants will be advised accordingly.
Once the recruitment process is complete then the Preferred Candidate will be invited to take up FTRS.
The start date is the anticipated one however, applicants should be aware a number of factors will potentially impact on this including the completion of pre-employment checks, medical category confirmation and the award of a Security Clearance. The start date could therefore be adjusted as appropriate – earlier for a fully qualified person with their and the employers agreement, or later if approvals cannot be immediately completed.
The start date will be ASAP
Eligibility for FTRS/ADC
Any member of the Maritime Volunteer Reserves (RNR, RMR) or the Royal Fleet Reserves (RFR) (Ex-Regular Reserve) may volunteer to undertake a period of FTRS/ADC. Ex-Regular personnel whose RFR liability has run out may be re-instated to take up FTRS/ADC.
Applicants undertaking a period of FTRS/ADC must be suitably qualified by rate, specialisation, qualifications and experience to fill the posts for which they apply. Applications will be accepted from reservists who hold one rate or more above or one rate only below the advertised rate. Applicants one rate below may be interviewed at the discretion of the Line Manager and may be employed in the acting higher rate (excluding the advertised rate of WO2 or WO1) if they are suitable, qualified and meet current promotion regulations in all respects. Applicants prepared to serve in a position at a lower rate then the rate worn will be appropriate to that of the position. Exceptions will not normally be considered.
Applicants must also be medically fit to fulfil the duties which their Commitment will require them to undertake. Personnel who have been discharged P8 Permanently Unsuitable Naval Service through the MBOS and Employability Board will not be considered.
Ex-Regular Reserves other ranks of an equivalent rank from sister services may apply, however will have to transfer to the RFR and conduct a period of Marinisation if they are selected as the preferred candidate.
Applications for this job are to be submitted via SERVE please click the APPLY button below.
This opportunity is closed to applications.