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Plant SNCO - 131 Cdo Sqn, 24 Cdo RE

Vacancy summary

JPAN 1871132
OR-6 - PO - Sgt

31/01/2025, 23:55 

June 2025
36 months
131 Commando Squadron, 24 Commando Royal Engineers, 3 Commando Brigade. NW9 9QF. Applicants may be based at our locations in London, Bath or Birmingham, or at reach if prepared to travel.
Greater London
United Kingdom
Part Time Volunteer Reserve (PTVR)

Vacancy detail

131 Cdo Sqn requires a suitably qualified and experienced SNCO to undertake the role of Plant Sergeant.

We also welcome applications from suitably qualified and experienced Cpls who have been recommended for promotion.


Applicants should already be members of the Army Reserve, be about to transfer into the Army Reserve or be in the process of joining the Army Reserve after a break in service.

POM 1 or ME Plant Operator Advanced

1. Commando-trained

2. Crane operator

3. Experience working with 3 Cdo Bde

4. Operational experience

Applicants should submit applications by email to Capt Dudley, PSAO 131 Cdo Sqn RE at, attaching an Army Reserve CV and a Posting Preference Proforma (both doccuments can be downloaded using the links at the bottom of the page at this LINK). 

131 Commando Squadron is the Army Reserve sub-unit of 24 Commando Royal Engineers. We are located in London, Bath and Birmingham, and our RHQ is at Chivenor in North Devon.

We also have roles for Military Engineers Combat, Plant, DCT, Log Spec and Driver, as well as Chefs, Military Personnel Administrators, junior officers and personnel with construction, utilities and infrastructure backgrounds.

We offer a very broad range of challenges experiences and opportunities, and are one of the most travelled units in the Army Reserve.

Our RE personnel earn their Green Berets on the Reserve Forces Commando Course or join us after completing their regular service. Commando Training is optional for Chefs, Clerks and some of our supporting trades.

For more information about how to apply for this opportunity, please visit the Army Reserve webpage.