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Vacancy summary

Royal Navy
OF-4 - Cdr - Lt Col - Wg Cdr
Commander, Lieutenant-Colonel (RM)

25/02/2024, 23:55 

Royal Navy, Royal Marines
United Kingdom
FTRS - Full Commitment

Vacancy detail

Unit Role:  To provide a properly resourced, secure firm base, to support the Mission of resident HQs.

Position Role: To act as the Chief of Staff of Northwood HQ, taking responsibility for the daily operation of the site on behalf of Commanding Officer Northwood HQ. 

1. To deputise for CO Northwood as and when required, including attendance at meetings and acting as HoE when CO is away.
2. To own the CO’s Risk Register, ensuring all Risks are captured and appropriately interrogated to allow the CO to address and escalate where required. 
3. To act as Subordinate Commander for disciplinary purposes where appropriate for all Service personnel assigned to Northwood.
4. To provide oversight of and support to the Security function of Northwood HQ, including Protective Security, MPGS/MGS, Visits & Vetting, and the STRAP cell.
5. To monitor and ensure the smooth daily running of the site, including regular engagement with Lodger Units, CMT and the PFI to address emergent issues at the lowest appropriate level.
6. To support the CO with strategic level planning, including anticipating site-level future issues and disruptions as well as research for and drafting of staff papers to support site-level change.
7. To act as Reporting Officer for Military and Civilian staff as required.
8. To undertake any additional tasks as required by CO Northwood. 

Must be an OF4 of ANY specialisation. OF3 applicants with a recommend for the next higher rank in their most recent OJAR may be considered. 

OF5 applicants, if successful, will only be paid as and normally wear the rank of OF4.

Must be serving as a member of the Reserve Forces or have served with the Regular Forces.

  • ACSC      
  • Project Management   

Applicants will undergo an initial eligibility sift. Successful applicants will have their details forwarded to the Post Sponsor to arrange interviews. Unsuccessful applicants will be advised accordingly.

Following interviews; the successful applicant will be informed that they are the Preferred Candidate with details being sent to the CM RES FTRS Cell who will continue the recruitment process. Unsuccessful applicants will be advised accordingly.

Once the recruitment process is complete then the Preferred Candidate will be invited to take up FTRS.

The start date is the anticipated one however, applicants should be aware a number of factors will potentially impact on this including the completion of pre-employment checks, medical category confirmation and the award of a Security Clearance. The start date could therefore be adjusted as appropriate – earlier for a fully qualified person with their and the employers agreement, or later if approvals cannot be immediately completed.


NB: Where the Anticipated Start date has already passed, the start date will be ASAP

Eligibility for FTRS/ADC

Any member of the Maritime Part Time Volunteer Reserves (RNR, RMR) or the Royal Fleet Reserves (RFR) (Ex-Regular Reserve) may volunteer to undertake a period of FTRS/ADC. Ex-Regular personnel whose RFR liability has run out will be re-instated in the RFR to take up FTRS/ADC.

Applicants undertaking a period of FTRS/ADC must be suitably qualified by rank/rate, specialisation, qualifications and experience to fill the posts for which they apply.

Applications will be accepted from reservists who hold a rank/rate one or more above the advertised rank/rate or hold a rank/rate one below the advertised rank/rate.  

  • Applicants one rate below may be interviewed at the discretion of the FTRS Cell/Line Manager and may be employed in the acting higher rate (excluding the advertised rate of WO2 or WO1) if they are suitable, qualified, meet current promotion regulations in all respects and are selected to do so. Otherwise, they will be given the opportunity to carry out the role in their substantive rank/rate; the payment of Substitution Pay (SUPA) may be considered by the employer.
  • Applicants of a higher rank/rate prepared to serve in a position at a lower rank/rate than their current or former substantive rank will wear uniform, and be paid, at the Upper Rank/Rate’ level appropriate to that of the position on JPA. Exceptions will not normally be considered.

Ex-Regular Reserves of an equivalent rank from the Army or Royal Air Force are required to join the Maritime Reserves (RNR/RMR) before being eligible to apply.


Applicants must also be medically fit, and meet the minimum medical category required for the level of commitment, to fulfil the duties which their Commitment will require them to undertake.

  • A medical form to confirm MedCat and suitability to be employed is required to be returned within 2 weeks of commencing the role, or the commitment may be revoked.

Personnel who have been discharged via the RN Medical Board of Survey (MOBS) or the RN Medical Employability Board (MEB), do not have a RFR liability and are therefore unable to be considered for any FTRS/ADC/VERR role.

Only personnel on FTRS(FC) commitments will be entitled to the full range of Service Medical and Dental support. Those on lower levels will be entitled to emergency medical support whilst on duty.

Pension Issues

Personnel who qualify for a service pension should take financial advice from Defence Business Services (DBS) Reserves/Re-employment Pensions Department on the effect that undertaking FTRS service has on their pension, EDP, Resettlement Grant or Terminal Benefits.

Additional guidance can also be found at Of particular note is reference to the ‘Effect of Re-employment’ on Commutation and, for those leaving on a ‘preserved’ pension, the Resettlement Grant. Other organisations such as the Armed Forces Pension Society or the White Ensign Association may also be able to offer advice, but it is stressed that only DBS can provide an authoritative answer.

Transition between TCoS

Personnel taking this appointment from other TCoS should consider the impact on any accrued entitlements, such as leave, resettlement etc and should seek specialist guidance where required as certain entitlements are TCoS specific and may not be retained or transferred on transition between TCoS. 

Naval Core Training (NCT), Individual Training Requirement (IRT) and Defence Mandated Training (DMT)

 Personnel on FTRS commitments are required to maintain currency in NCT, IRT and MDT in alignment with the rest of the RN/RM. The successful applicant will be expected to complete all modules and have them recorded on JPA within 2 months of commencing employment. This is an employer’s responsibility to monitor. 

  • RNFT

Personnel on FTRS Limited/Home/ADC/VERRs commitments are exempt the RNFT, unless they are a member of the RNR/RMR who should remain in date.

 Annual Salary and Leave

Pay will be in accordance with the pay scales published for the Armed Forces annually, and as governed by JSP 754.  Leave entitlement is detailed in JSP 760. Note, you are not able to carry forward leave from a Regular commission/engagement when commencing an FTRS Commitment or from one FTRS Commitment role to another FTRS Commitment role.


Entitlement to allowances is in accordance with JSP 754 however the following should be noted:

Get you Home (Travel)                  Only paid to qualifying personnel on FTRS(FC)

Home Duty Travel                          Only paid to qualifying personnel on FTRS(FC)


Personnel serving on FTRS(FC) TCoS are entitled to Single Living Accommodation (SLA) and Service Families Accommodation (SFA) as per Regular entitlements. 

Personnel serving on FTRS(LC/HC)/ADC TCoS are only eligible to occupy surplus Single Living Accommodation (SLA), at non-entitled rates.

Personnel serving on VeRR TCoS are not entitled to service accommodation.

Applications for this job are to be submitted via SERVE please click the APPLY button below.

This opportunity is closed to applications.