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SO1 Reserve Utility (13430)

Vacancy summary

OF-4 - Cdr - Lt Col - Wg Cdr

27/02/2024, 17:00 

December 2024
36 months
JFD -Def Ac
United Kingdom
FTRS - Home Commitment

Vacancy detail

HQ JFD provides the research, analysis, force development, joint training, education, doctrine and deployable joint command and control that underpin Defence.
 The poition role is to maximise Reserve Force engagement opportunities across HQ UKStratCom, with specific responsibilities for:

Engage with Army Reserve stakeholders in APC Glasgow, Regional Comds and specialist Reserve units to develop a mutually beneficial working relationship.
Develop and maintain a Reserves database of potential employees capturing their mil & civ skill sets.
Support JFD initiatives and projects by providing Reserve SME as required and acting as the JFD event and specified tasks authoriser on Churchill and RAPS.
Promote Reserve opportunities through the JFD and regional Resettlement processes.
Promote and encourage value for money opportunities by providing short term Reserve workforce solutions in support of JFD business requirements.
Provide first line SME career management advice to all JFD Reservists.
Recruit, engage and discharge all Army JFD Reservists.
Lead the Reserve Utility Cell and develop future initiatives.
ICSC (L) or (LR)
Reserves CM cse (can be aquired)
Apply direct here through to boarding at APC
There is currently a UKStratCom merger between HQ JFD & COS HLBs which will affect the organisational structure and some outputs this post currently delivers.

FTRS (HC) employment rules apply.

Individual may be required to work long hours with minimal notice and travel to outstations with visits to key stakeholders required occasionally.

The post holder will be staff trained and have a strong J1 background with experience of Tr Service Reserve TaCoS.

The post holder will have the ability to deal with multiple and complex issues; high integrity & initiative, with the strength of character to deal efficiently with high volumes of work to tight timeframes.

The post holder will be skilled in the art of influencing and communicating at all levels.

This opportunity is closed to applications.