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SO1 Strat Reserves (13446)

Vacancy summary

OF-4 - Cdr - Lt Col - Wg Cdr

29/02/2024, 17:00 

May 2024
22 mths
Management of Defence
Strat Reserves, Strat Centre, Army HQ
United Kingdom
FTRS - Home Commitment

Vacancy detail

Domestic Considerations:  Maximum of 60% in office work; WFH to be balanced by workload and in agreement with line manager. Current staff routinely work from Cornwall, Lincolnshire and Derbyshire.
Position Role:  In support of AH Strat Reserve, drive univeral reforms to the Army's Reserve forces.
1.   To cohere and align universal reforms to the Army's Reserves, ensure progress is maintained against the targets set by the REC.
2.   Engage with key stakeholders within MOD, Ss/FLCs, Directorates and HLBs. 
3.   Develop briefing products to support decision making. 
4.   Provide Reserve SME advice and direction into the Strategy development and delivery.
5.   Deputise for AH Strat Reserves.
6.   Line Manager for SO2 Strat Reserves and SO2 Reserve Plans
1. Requires a deep and instinctive understanding of Reserve issues.
2. Sound understanding of staff work at the Joint level.
1. Recent experience of interfacing between sS/MoD and external organisations.
2. Command as a Reservist and combined with civilian employment for credibility within Reserve community.
3. Previous experience staff experience.
Apply direct here through to APC No 4 Board

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