
This is a trial service — your feedback will help us to improve it.

UKSF (R) Operator

Vacancy summary

OR-1 - Mne - Pte - AR, OF-1 - Mid/Sub Lt - 2Lt/Lt - Plt/Fg Offr
Private, 2nd Lieutenant

08/12/2024, 17:00 

December 2024
3 years then out to 55th birthday
Royal Navy, Army, Royal Air Force, Royal Marines
UK wide
West Midlands
United Kingdom
Mobilised Service, Regular, RSDs - Reserve Service Days

Vacancy detail

Position Role:  UKSF (R) Operator with MAB (R)

Information can be found in 2023DIN07-132 UKSF Reserve Selection Application

1. Tri Service and any Capbadge Reservists can apply.

2. Regulars can apply in their last two years of service.

3. All ranks are eligible to apply.

4. Locations available across the UK.

5. All volunteers should seek early advice from the UKSF (R) Regimental Mentoring Support Officers (ReMSOs)


1. Must be initial Trade Trained.

2. Must be MFD and be medically fit for arduous activities.

3. All vaccinations are to be up to date including for COVID.

Via the DIN

Further information can be obtained from:                                                                                              

Locations across the UK