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RQMS 4 Para (13424)

Vacancy summary

OR-8 - WO2
Warrant Officer 2

27/02/2024, 23:55 

October 2024
36 months
4 PARA Thornbury Bks Leeds
North Yorkshire
United Kingdom
FTRS - Home Commitment

Vacancy detail

1.  Accounting, management, documentation, maintenance and operational serviceability of the unit equipment holdings.

2.  Management of the Bn's weapons and ammunition to support deployments and training.

3.  Lead and direct unit G4 and G4 staff and provide SNE advice to the Bn Comd.

4.  Assist and advise BSM in relation to unit BOWMAN holdings and management ensuring all BOWMAN equipment is being accounted for as per current regulations.

5.  Unit lead in preparation for Logistic, Supply Assurance and Inspection and Land Equipment Assurance.

6.  Group focal point for all infrastructure-related contractor issues and liaison.

7.  Unit SHEF assistant to QM. 

8.  Undertake projects as tasked by the Quartermaster.

UAMS (Ammunition Manager)
CHURCHILL Planner & Ammunition Approver
Ammo Accounting 
JAMES Senior Eqpt Manager

Relevant Courses can be undertaken in role.

Airborne G4 experience
Ammunition Authorised Rep Cse
Radiation Workplace Supervisor

Relevant Courses can be undertaken in role.

Online application via SERVE through to boarding.

Applications must be submitted via SERVE.

Do not send pdf application forms via email - you will be requested to resubmit your application through SERVE.

RQMS - Senior Materiel Accountant (SMA) and Unit Application Administrator (UAA) directly responsible to the QM for the smooth running and daily management of the QM’s Department to enable the Unit to fulfil its role, in accordance with current regulations and policy.

Must be able to commute daily to Leeds to be on site during core hours and undertake limited separated service as required by the role within the boundaries of the TACOS.

This opportunity is closed to applications.